Community Safety Audits

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Consultation has concluded

About the project

Townsville City Council is committed to working with residents and key stakeholders in our community to improve the safety and liveability of our city.

While Council does not have a lead role in crime and the judicial system, we can deliver on projects to ensure our parks, sporting fields, community centres and public spaces are secure and activated to deter anti-social and criminal behaviour.

Community Safety Audits are a crucial activity in the assessment of these projects, and enable Council to work with residents, businesses and community groups to identify opportunities and implement solutions that have a real impact.

Council has worked with the divisional Councillors in your area to identify key locations across the city that will form the part of our first 10 audits.

These locations are:

  • Peggy Banfield Park (Division2)
  • Deeragun Skate Park (Division 1)
  • Snelham Park (Division 9)
  • TDRLC Kern Bros Drive (Division 5)
  • Aitkenvale Park (Division 8)
  • Heatley Park (Division 7)
  • Charles Maroney Park (Division 4)
  • Murray Skate Park (Division 6)
  • Wulguru Park (Division 10)
  • Bulletin Square/Victoria Bridge (Division3)

Council has appointed former QPS Officer Clint Drew lead these audits, with participation from Queensland Police, key Council staff and your Divisional Councillors.

A key part of Council's strong plan involves residents providing feedback on these areas. We need your input, so join us in making our neighbourhoods safer.

How can you get involved?

Mapping Tool

At the bottom of this page there are several links. Maps of the 10 audit locations are available, providing you the opportunity to place pins on a map and give feedback or information on any specific area you believe requires attention. You may also have some suggestions or ideas on what Council may consider for these areas.


By clicking on the survey tab below, you can assist by providing details and answering a series of questions around your perceptions on safety in public spaces. By completing this survey, your feedback will be reviewed and used to assist Council when developing plans for the next steps.

The Community Safety Audit Survey will be open for feedback until Friday 22 September 2023.

About the project

Townsville City Council is committed to working with residents and key stakeholders in our community to improve the safety and liveability of our city.

While Council does not have a lead role in crime and the judicial system, we can deliver on projects to ensure our parks, sporting fields, community centres and public spaces are secure and activated to deter anti-social and criminal behaviour.

Community Safety Audits are a crucial activity in the assessment of these projects, and enable Council to work with residents, businesses and community groups to identify opportunities and implement solutions that have a real impact.

Council has worked with the divisional Councillors in your area to identify key locations across the city that will form the part of our first 10 audits.

These locations are:

  • Peggy Banfield Park (Division2)
  • Deeragun Skate Park (Division 1)
  • Snelham Park (Division 9)
  • TDRLC Kern Bros Drive (Division 5)
  • Aitkenvale Park (Division 8)
  • Heatley Park (Division 7)
  • Charles Maroney Park (Division 4)
  • Murray Skate Park (Division 6)
  • Wulguru Park (Division 10)
  • Bulletin Square/Victoria Bridge (Division3)

Council has appointed former QPS Officer Clint Drew lead these audits, with participation from Queensland Police, key Council staff and your Divisional Councillors.

A key part of Council's strong plan involves residents providing feedback on these areas. We need your input, so join us in making our neighbourhoods safer.

How can you get involved?

Mapping Tool

At the bottom of this page there are several links. Maps of the 10 audit locations are available, providing you the opportunity to place pins on a map and give feedback or information on any specific area you believe requires attention. You may also have some suggestions or ideas on what Council may consider for these areas.


By clicking on the survey tab below, you can assist by providing details and answering a series of questions around your perceptions on safety in public spaces. By completing this survey, your feedback will be reviewed and used to assist Council when developing plans for the next steps.

The Community Safety Audit Survey will be open for feedback until Friday 22 September 2023.

Share Peggy Banfield Park on Facebook Share Peggy Banfield Park on Twitter Share Peggy Banfield Park on Linkedin Email Peggy Banfield Park link

Peggy Banfield Park

over 1 year

Townsville City Council wants your thoughts and feelings on community safety in Townsville.


Maps of the 10 audit locations are available, providing you the opportunity to place pins on a map and give feedback or information on any specific area you believe requires attention. You may also have some suggestions or ideas on what Council may consider for these areas.


Please note your pin must be placed within the orange audit location boundary. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Share Deeragun Skate Park on Facebook Share Deeragun Skate Park on Twitter Share Deeragun Skate Park on Linkedin Email Deeragun Skate Park link

Deeragun Skate Park

over 1 year

Townsville City Council wants your thoughts and feelings on community safety in Townsville.


Maps of the 10 audit locations are available, providing you the opportunity to place pins on a map and give feedback or information on any specific area you believe requires attention. You may also have some suggestions or ideas on what Council may consider for these areas.


Please note your pin must be placed within the orange audit location boundary. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Share Snelham Park on Facebook Share Snelham Park on Twitter Share Snelham Park on Linkedin Email Snelham Park link

Snelham Park

over 1 year

Townsville City Council wants your thoughts and feelings on community safety in Townsville.


Maps of the 10 audit locations are available, providing you the opportunity to place pins on a map and give feedback or information on any specific area you believe requires attention. You may also have some suggestions or ideas on what Council may consider for these areas.


Please note your pin must be placed within the orange audit location boundary. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Share Rugby League Fields Kern Brothers Drive on Facebook Share Rugby League Fields Kern Brothers Drive on Twitter Share Rugby League Fields Kern Brothers Drive on Linkedin Email Rugby League Fields Kern Brothers Drive link

Rugby League Fields Kern Brothers Drive

over 1 year

Townsville City Council wants your thoughts and feelings on community safety in Townsville.


Maps of the 10 audit locations are available, providing you the opportunity to place pins on a map and give feedback or information on any specific area you believe requires attention. You may also have some suggestions or ideas on what Council may consider for these areas.


Please note your pin must be placed within the orange audit location boundary. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Share Aitkenvale Park on Facebook Share Aitkenvale Park on Twitter Share Aitkenvale Park on Linkedin Email Aitkenvale Park link

Aitkenvale Park

over 1 year

Townsville City Council wants your thoughts and feelings on community safety in Townsville.


Maps of the 10 audit locations are available, providing you the opportunity to place pins on a map and give feedback or information on any specific area you believe requires attention. You may also have some suggestions or ideas on what Council may consider for these areas.


Please note your pin must be placed within the orange audit location boundary. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Share Heatley Park on Facebook Share Heatley Park on Twitter Share Heatley Park on Linkedin Email Heatley Park link

Heatley Park

over 1 year

Townsville City Council wants your thoughts and feelings on community safety in Townsville.


Maps of the 10 audit locations are available, providing you the opportunity to place pins on a map and give feedback or information on any specific area you believe requires attention. You may also have some suggestions or ideas on what Council may consider for these areas.


Please note your pin must be placed within the orange audit location boundary. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Share Charles Maroney Park on Facebook Share Charles Maroney Park on Twitter Share Charles Maroney Park on Linkedin Email Charles Maroney Park link

Charles Maroney Park

over 1 year

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Share Murray Skate Park on Facebook Share Murray Skate Park on Twitter Share Murray Skate Park on Linkedin Email Murray Skate Park link

Murray Skate Park

over 1 year

Townsville City Council wants your thoughts and feelings on community safety in Townsville.


Maps of the 10 audit locations are available, providing you the opportunity to place pins on a map and give feedback or information on any specific area you believe requires attention. You may also have some suggestions or ideas on what Council may consider for these areas.


Please note your pin must be placed within the orange audit location boundary. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Share Wulguru Park on Facebook Share Wulguru Park on Twitter Share Wulguru Park on Linkedin Email Wulguru Park link

Wulguru Park

over 1 year

Townsville City Council wants your thoughts and feelings on community safety in Townsville.


Maps of the 10 audit locations are available, providing you the opportunity to place pins on a map and give feedback or information on any specific area you believe requires attention. You may also have some suggestions or ideas on what Council may consider for these areas.


Please note your pin must be placed within the orange audit location boundary. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Share Bulletin Square on Facebook Share Bulletin Square on Twitter Share Bulletin Square on Linkedin Email Bulletin Square link

Bulletin Square

over 1 year

Townsville City Council wants your thoughts and feelings on community safety in Townsville.


Maps of the 10 audit locations are available, providing you the opportunity to place pins on a map and give feedback or information on any specific area you believe requires attention. You may also have some suggestions or ideas on what Council may consider for these areas.


Please note your pin must be placed within the orange audit location boundary. 

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.