Creative Industries - An Explorative Study of Engagement and Practice

Creative Industries - An Exploration Study of Engagement and Practice
The City of Townsville is evolving its identity to be the Capital of Northern Australia and is the Regional Capital of North Queensland.
Townsville City Council is committed to the support of job growth and in partnership with our businesses and community remains an active partner in identifying, maintaining, and strengthening the Creative Industries' role in progressing our city's economy.
It is acknowledged that the creative industries can contribute substantially to the growth and diversity of our city's lifestyle and economy through their innovation potential and reach. The creative industries sector as we know continually changes, largely because of advancements in technology as well the local challenges in terms of professional development.
The information received through this Exploration Study of Engagement and Practice will guide the development of a new Arts and Culture Strategy for the Council. Results received will be workshopped through the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee which will lay the foundation outlining the challenges and opportunities that exist for Townsville's cultural community, culminating with a clear set of goals and vision for Arts and Culture in Townsville that will take us into the next decade and beyond.
How can you get involved?
Council values community feedback on all our projects and invites key stakeholders, creative audiences, and any member of the community to participate in this Creative Industries feedback form located below please feel free to navigate through the respective information located within the sidebar positioned on the right.
How long is the consultation period?
Council will actively engage with prominent arts and culture groups, and interested community members to ensure an appreciation in collaboration feedback is achieved with this consultation opening Monday, 15 April and concluding Friday, 28 June 2024.
Council in partnership with academics from James Cook University's Business School would like to gain an appreciation of the important creative members of our community through this Creative Industries -An Explorative Study of Engagement and Practice consultation.
Creative Industries - engaged in a partnership for future generations to prosper.