Future Local Recreation Park Renewals
Consultation has concluded

PROJECT UPDATE (JULY 2023) - Lakeside Park Playground Renewal (NOW OPEN!)
Thank you for your participation in the public consultation, held between Friday 14 January to Monday 14 February 2022, regarding the Lakeside Park Playground Renewal in Kirwan.
Council’s design team have reviewed your feedback and as a result of this consultation, the proposed renewal of Lakeside Park Playground will include:
- Replacement play equipment with more play options, including swings, and a large multi-play combination unit with a junior and senior slide, climbing elements and flying fox;
- Sand replaced with rubber undersurfacing;
- Additional seating within playground node;
- Additional fencing continued along the lake edge;
- Renewal of the drinking fountain and litter bin;
- Modification works to existing irrigation;
- New and renewed garden bed planting.
It is acknowledged that the feedback also requested a bbq and basketball court. Please be aware that these items will not be included as part of this playground renewal project.
Council has successfully installed the playground infrastructure and the park is now ready for enjoyment. Photos of the park are available in the Images Tab.
Council thanks you for your contribution in developing and improving parks and open spaces within our community.
Location: Golf Links Drive (beside no. 112) Kirwan
PROJECT UPDATE (MARCH 2023) - Needletail Way playground renewal
Thank you for your participation in the public consultation, held between Friday 14 January through until Monday 14 February, regarding the Needletail Way playground renewal in Bohle Plains.
Council’s design team have reviewed your feedback and as a result of this consultation, the proposed renewal of Needletail Way Playground will include:
- Replacement play equipment in the same location, with the design being sympathetic to the existing natural environment;
- More play options, including swings, a large combination with two slides and climbing obstacles for older children, and a 4-way rocker, shop front and panels for younger children;
- Removal of the sand softfall and replacement with rubber softfall.
- New shade sail covering the playground
It is acknowledged that the feedback also requested a barbeque and toilets. Please be aware that these items will not be included as part of the playground renewal project.
It is advised that Needletail Way Park is a recreation corridor park which are linear open spaces that follow creeks, drainage channels, service corridors or green belts. They provide a connection between destination points and offer a limited range of active recreation opportunities. Consequently, the barbeque and toilets will not be considered in the park.
Location: 44 Needletail Way Bohle Plains
INITIAL CONSULTATION (JANUARY 2022) – Future Opportunities
Townsville City Council is committed to providing parks, sporting fields and recreation areas with facilities that promote and contribute to the health and wellbeing of our city.
To deliver on this commitment, Council plans to renew the open space and community facilities at the below locations:
- Needletail Way Park, Bohle Plains
- Lakeside Park, Kirwan
- Weir Park, Annandale
- Oak Valley Park, Oak Valley
Why are these renewal projects necessary?
- To improve recreational opportunities for residents and visitors to enjoy
- To encourage an active and healthy lifestyle
- To increase inclusive community facilities within the suburbs.
Community Feedback Sought
Council would like to know what facilities you use at these parks and what improvements to the existing facilities you would like to see.
Please keep in mind that Council will allocate a budget for each park that is based on location, size, accessibility, facilities, and proximity to other parks in the neighbourhood.
How can you get involved?
Council invites you to have your say on these projects. Your feedback will contribute to renewing these open spaces and guide decision making for future planning.
Have Your Say
A Have Your Say survey will be open for public participation from Friday 14 January to Monday 14 February 2022.
You can also use our interactive maps below in the Map tool to place pins and provide location-specific feedback on each park.