Haughton Pipeline Stage 2 Project (EPBC referral 2021/9133)
Consultation has concluded

PROJECT UPDATE (January 2023)
The Haughton Pipeline Stage 2 was determined to be a Controlled Action under section 75 of the EPBC Act with assessment by Preliminary Documentation. The controlling provisions for the proposed action are Listed threatened species and communities (sections 18 and 18A).
The public were invited to review and provide comment on Council’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation documentation for this project from 5 December 2022 to 16 December 2022. The comment period for submissions is now closed.
One submission was received regarding Townsville City Council’s EPBC application information. Council responded to the submission.
A copy of the response to public feedback about the submission is now available to view within the Haughton Pipeline Stage 2 Public Comment Response Section, as seen to the right side of the page.
Final Preliminary Documentation will continue to be available at several locations from Monday 23 January 2023 to Monday 6 February 2023. Locations are:
• Townsville City Council Customer Service Centre, 143 Walker Street, Townsville
• CityLibraries Townsville (Northtown Building), Level 1/280 Flinders Street, Townsville
• CityLibraries Aitkenvale, 4 Petunia Street, Aitkenvale
• QLD Department of Environment and Science, Level 10, 445 Flinders Street, Townsville
• Burdekin Shire Council, 145 Young Street, Ayr
• Burdekin Library, 108 Graham Street, Ayr
PROJECT UPDATE (05 December 2022)
Townsville City Council is constructing Stage 2 of the Haughton Pipeline, a 28.5km buried pressure pipeline and assorted pump station and power infrastructure to provide transfer of 364 ML/day of raw water from Burdekin River to Ross River Dam in Townsville, Queensland.
The Haughton Pipeline Stage 2 project was determined to be a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 with assessment by preliminary documentation. The controlling provisions for the proposed action are:
• Listed threatened species and communities (section 18 & 18A).
Council invites the community to review and comment on Council's Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation submission for this project. Public comments received will be recorded, collated and responded to, and this information will be forwarded to the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
A 40 business day Commonwealth assessment process will commence once the Department has received all comments and Council’s responses to them. A summary of the comments and responses, including any changes or additions made as a result will be made available on this page within ten (10) business days of the consultation period closing.
How can you get involved?
A Have Your Say feedback submission form will be open for public participation from Monday, 5 December and closes Friday, 16 December 2022.
The Haughton Pipeline Stage 2 Project is being developed with the support of the Queensland Government in association with Townsville City Council.
View our Frequently Asked Questions page for the latest information and updates regarding the Haughton Pipeline project.
The Haughton Pipeline Project Overview can found of Townsville City Council's public website - http://bit.ly/3Xu35u7