Klewarra & Turrella Parks Renewal
Consultation has concluded

Townsville City Council is committed to providing parks, sporting fields and recreation areas with facilities that promote and contribute to the health and well-being of our city.
To deliver on this commitment, Council plans to renew the open space and community facilities at the below locations:
- Klewarra Park, Douglas
- Turrella Park, Douglas.
The fitness equipment at Klewarra Park is at the end of its life and due for renewal. However, Council understands the park is small with limited usable space, and as a result, is reviewing the suitability of fitness equipment in this location.
As part of these proposed renewals, Council intends to:
- add to the existing play opportunities currently provided at Turrella Park to provide an increased range of play
- decommission the old fitness equipment at Klewarra Park and offer a new fitness equipment node at the preferred location.
Why are these renewal projects necessary?
- To improve recreational opportunities for residents and visitors to enjoy
- To encourage an active and healthy lifestyle
- To increase inclusive community facilities within the suburbs.
Community Feedback Sought
Council would like to know what facilities you use at these parks, and what improvements to the existing facilities you would like to see.
How can you get involved?
Council invites you to participate in the co-design of Klewarra and Turrella Parks by collaborating with Council in the design phase of this project. Council values community feedback on all our projects and invites surrounding residents and park users to participate in the below survey.
Klewarra Park: Options for consultation...
Turrella Park: Options for consultation...
Have Your Say
A Have Your Say survey will be open for public participation from Monday, 27 February to Monday, 27 March 2023.
On-site Consultation
Meet and greet with Councillor Batkovic and the Council team to have your say on the future of these parks on Monday, 20 March, from 4-6 pm at Turrella Park, Douglas.