Mount Louisa Open Space Early Works Plan

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Consultation has concluded, thank you for your time.


The Mount Louisa Bush Walking Track is now open! Located off Bayswater Road near Weston Street, the track is over 3.5km long and features more than 1,700 steps. 

Townsville City Council invited the community to provide feedback in relation to the proposed Mount Louisa Open Space Masterplan in early 2019. In September 2019, the revised Early Works Plan and Mount Louisa Open Space Masterplan were shared with the community to reflect the feedback received earlier in the year.

The community feedback received from the second round of engagement provided strong support for the commencement of the new bush walking track that will improve the overall user experience within the open space.

Construction of the Mount Louisa Bush Walking Track commenced Tuesday 14 April 2020 and the track officially opened Saturday 3 October 2020.

Photos of the Official Opening, as well as a Mount Louisa Trail Map can be found in the Photos section to the right of the page.

September 2020 Update

Construction is nearing completion on the Mount Louisa Bush Walking Track and Townsville City Council would like to invite consultation participants and residents alike along to the Official Opening on Saturday 3 October, 7am to 10:30am.

Attendees are advised that the Official Opening will take place at the Track Entrance located off Bayswater Road (near Weston Street).

Be one of the first to experience this exciting new open space!

Townsville City Council would like to thank all participants for their contribution in shaping our parks and open spaces.

April 2020 Update

Council as a result of the community consultation will be proceeding with the installation of the Early Works Plan that will provide a new bushwalking track from the end of Bayswater Road up towards the summit of Mount Louisa.

Construction works are anticipated to commence Tuesday 14 April 2020 and take around 14 weeks to complete – weather permitting.

Works may involve:

  • Operation of machinery
  • Flashing lights, construction traffic
  • Noise and dust

Project updates will be provided through to all registered interested stakeholders as Council progress throughout this exciting project.

Normal works hours are 6am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 2pm on Saturday. In exceptional cases, work may be required outside these hours as advised above.

Council has appointed JMac Construction to carry out these works.

December 2019 Update

In late September 2019, the revised Early Works Plan and revised Mount Louisa Open Space Masterplan were shared with our community. These revised plans were changed to reflect the feedback received by our community earlier in the year.

The second round of engagement showed there is strong support for getting underway with the Early Works Plan that starts with a new bushwalking track from the end of Bayswater Road up towards the summit of Mount Louisa. Construction works are anticipated to commence in early 2020 – weather permitting. The tender for this project opens on Saturday 21 December 2019 and closes 5pm Friday 24 January 2020. All tender documents can be accessed and downloaded from


The Mount Louisa Bush Walking Track is now open! Located off Bayswater Road near Weston Street, the track is over 3.5km long and features more than 1,700 steps. 

Townsville City Council invited the community to provide feedback in relation to the proposed Mount Louisa Open Space Masterplan in early 2019. In September 2019, the revised Early Works Plan and Mount Louisa Open Space Masterplan were shared with the community to reflect the feedback received earlier in the year.

The community feedback received from the second round of engagement provided strong support for the commencement of the new bush walking track that will improve the overall user experience within the open space.

Construction of the Mount Louisa Bush Walking Track commenced Tuesday 14 April 2020 and the track officially opened Saturday 3 October 2020.

Photos of the Official Opening, as well as a Mount Louisa Trail Map can be found in the Photos section to the right of the page.

September 2020 Update

Construction is nearing completion on the Mount Louisa Bush Walking Track and Townsville City Council would like to invite consultation participants and residents alike along to the Official Opening on Saturday 3 October, 7am to 10:30am.

Attendees are advised that the Official Opening will take place at the Track Entrance located off Bayswater Road (near Weston Street).

Be one of the first to experience this exciting new open space!

Townsville City Council would like to thank all participants for their contribution in shaping our parks and open spaces.

April 2020 Update

Council as a result of the community consultation will be proceeding with the installation of the Early Works Plan that will provide a new bushwalking track from the end of Bayswater Road up towards the summit of Mount Louisa.

Construction works are anticipated to commence Tuesday 14 April 2020 and take around 14 weeks to complete – weather permitting.

Works may involve:

  • Operation of machinery
  • Flashing lights, construction traffic
  • Noise and dust

Project updates will be provided through to all registered interested stakeholders as Council progress throughout this exciting project.

Normal works hours are 6am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 6am to 2pm on Saturday. In exceptional cases, work may be required outside these hours as advised above.

Council has appointed JMac Construction to carry out these works.

December 2019 Update

In late September 2019, the revised Early Works Plan and revised Mount Louisa Open Space Masterplan were shared with our community. These revised plans were changed to reflect the feedback received by our community earlier in the year.

The second round of engagement showed there is strong support for getting underway with the Early Works Plan that starts with a new bushwalking track from the end of Bayswater Road up towards the summit of Mount Louisa. Construction works are anticipated to commence in early 2020 – weather permitting. The tender for this project opens on Saturday 21 December 2019 and closes 5pm Friday 24 January 2020. All tender documents can be accessed and downloaded from