Please provide your current residential location (suburb)
How often do you visit Duggan Plains Park
What days do you normally visit the park?
What time do you normally visit the park?
How do you use the park?
How do you travel to Duggan Plains Park?
What do you love about Duggan Plains Park?
Maximum 255 characters
What do you like least about Duggan Plains Park?
What improvements would you like to see within Duggan Plains Park? (please select your top 3)
If you could make changes to Duggan Plains Park, what would they be?
What type of play experience/activities are enjoyed the most (please select your top 3)
What age group should Council consider for future play opportunities within Duggan Plains Park?
Should Council consider theming the playground equipment?
Based on the plan below where would you like to see the playground located within Duggan Plains Park?
Do you have any further feedback on Council's plans to renew the playground and community facilities within Duggan Plains Park?