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Flying-Fox Roost Management Survey 2024


Which of the following describes you?

* required

Maximum 255 characters


Select option


If you live near a roost, approximately how far away is the flying-fox roost from your property?


If you live near a roost and you are being impacted by flying-foxes, please report at what time?


When are you typically at home on an average day?


If you own/work in a business near a roost, approximately how far away is the fling fox roost from your business?


If you own/work in a business near a roost and you are being impacted by flying foxes, please report at what time?


When are you typically at work on an average day?


What age group are you in?


What gender do you identify as?


The following questions will assist Council in understanding the community's knowledge about flying foxes to inform potential future awareness campaigns.

(Please select only 1 response) 

Council should seek to balance conservation and resident amenity
Flying foxes in your neighbourhood are a nuisance
Flying foxes in your neighbourhood should be managed
Flying foxes and humans should be able to share the urban environment
Living near flying foxes is horrible
Flying foxes are important to the environment and should be protected
I like it when flying foxes visit my neighbourhood
Living next to bushland presents some challenges in relation to wildlife
Flying foxes are native to Australia.
Humans can easily catch diseases from flying foxes.
In the Townsville local government area, flying foxes are increasing.
Flying foxes are not protected under legislation.
Across Australia flying foxes are decreasing.
Flying foxes are not important for the environment.
Flying foxes do not carry disease that is easily transmitted to animals.
Are nomadic, moving between the Townsville local government area and other parts of the country.
Flying foxes carry diseases that can be easily transmitted in humans.
Flying fox roost dispersal often works.

How would you rate your experience or interaction with flying-foxes?


Other people have reported positive experiences with flying-foxes, what are some of your experiences? You can select more than one.


Which of the following education options appeal to you? You can select more than one.

The following questions will assist Council in understanding the community's knowledge about flying fox management and support for management options. 


Which of the following topics relating to flying foxes are of concern to you? You can select more than one.


Are any of the following topics an issue around your home in relation to flying foxes? You can select more than one.

Maximum 255 characters


How important is it to you that management actions are cost-effective?
How important is it to you that Council protects flying foxes?
How important is it to you that Council assists managing impacts associated with flying foxes?
How important is it to you that Council assists managing impacts associated with flying foxes?
How important is it to you that Council does not disturb flying foxes?
How important is it to you that Council protects vegetation and other environmental values in parkland and bush areas?
How important is it to you that community members do not disturb flying foxes roosting during the day without a permit?

Would receiving a funding subsidy help reduce flying-fox impacts on your property (e.g. to contribute to double glazing, car covers, etc.)?


Select options you would like considered for a subsidy program that could assist you:


Which of the following potential management options do you support?

Maximum 255 characters



What do you think would be an appropriate amount that could support impacted households drawn from an appropriate subsidy? 


Which of the following actions do you feel are appropriate to protect flying-foxes in parkland and bush areas?


Would you like more information about garden plants that: