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Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan - Survey Request

Select option


Which of the following options most closely aligns to your gender?

* required

Please tell us your age group:

* required

Do you belong to a First Nations Community?

* required

What are your top three safety concerns in your community?

* required

Are there locations of the community where you feel unsafe?

* required

Have you personally been a victim of crime or felt unsafe in your community?

* required

What contributes to you feeling safe within the community?

* required

Do you believe the Council effectively educates and communicates about safety issues impacting our community?

* required
There are adequate support services for people experiencing homelessness?
There are adequate support services for people suffering with addiction?
There are adequate support services for people suffering with Mental Health conditions?
Members of our community are treated fairly and equally in terms of safety and access to resources?
I know who to contact if I need support?
There are enough resources in place to prevent crime and promote safety in the community?
The current level of Police presence and response is adequate?